Becky Whitely

Becky Whitley

Program Partner, Early Care & Education Systems

Becky’s career has been committed to public service, as a disability rights lawyer, climate organizer, child and health policy specialist, and lawmaker.

She recently served in the New Hampshire Senate for four years, working in a bipartisan way to improve New Hampshire’s early care and education system, helping families get the healthcare and support they need, and address food insecurity.

Becky has been recognized as 2024 Legislator Advocate of the Year Award by the NH Food Access Coalition, 2023 Legislator of the Year from New Futures; 2023 Legislator of the Year Award by NAMI NH; 2023 Advocate of the Year Award by the NH Food Access Coalition; 2021 Legislator of the Year Award by the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities; and 2019 Citizen of the Year by the NH chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.

Becky lives in Hopkinton with her husband, son, and dog.